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Administrative Process Re-Engineering
A Lean for Admin Workshop
A system of tools and methods for removing inefficiencies from administrati
ve operations to improve flow, gain capacity, and lower costs.
The administrative burden placed on Collision Centers today can be over-whelming. For
most, these processes have evolved over time and have been tweaked to meet a particular work provider’s requirements – not necessarily for efficiency. The Admin Process Re-Engineering workshop is designed to take a look at the entire administrative process in the context of current staffing and their skills, repair volume, and work provider requirements to uncover opportunities for improvement. Over this 2 day workshop all of the admin personnel will contribute through interviews to map out the current processes. The current processes will then be evaluated using a proprietary tool to uncover improvement opportunities. The entire admin team is then involved in prioritizing the opportunities and developing an implementation plan. The benefits of improving the current admin processes include improved customer experience, administrative capacity creat
ed to handle additional volume, and lower effective admin costs just to name a few.
Administrative Process Re-Engineering at a Glance
Admin Process Re-Engineering is a 2 day on-site workshop designed to identify and understand all of the administrative tasks that must be completed to process a repair order. These activities are then evaluated based upon time needed to complete them, the frequency of the task, and the persons or job function responsible for completing each task. Once improvement opportunities are uncovered a new administrative process can then be created which better balances the workload demand across the entire Admin workforce to create a more seamless repair experience for the customer, collision center, and work provider.
- Participants will help to create a Process Map to define the current administrative processes.
- Participants will learn where their current staff are either over or under-utilized.
- Participants will identify areas of opportunity to increase efficiencies to create capacity and lower administrative costs
- Participants will have a solid plan for implementation at the end of the workshop.
Collision Center Owners and Managers, Production Managers, Estimators, Parts Managers, Customer Service Representatives, etc. Any administrative personnel involved with processing a repair order.
2.0-day on-site workshop
MVP Hotline: 1-866-237-8178